
Queensland's $151 Million Initiative: Revamping Organic Waste Collection for Millions

Queensland is taking significant steps towards promoting organic waste collection by investing $151 million in providing over a million household bins. The goal is to enhance council services for food and garden organic waste collection, benefiting more than 3 million individuals in the state's southeastern region. Currently, only 17% of Queenslanders with curbside services have access to organics bins, in contrast to 92% with recycling bins.

Deputy Premier Steven Miles explained that this initiative aims to reduce the cost of implementing organic waste collection services. The expansion of bin services will encompass a vast area, reaching up to Noosa and benefiting communities in the state's southeast corner. The purpose is to divert garden and food waste away from landfills, where it produces methane gas and wastes valuable organic resources. Instead, these resources can be transformed into valuable compost, mulch, and soil products that have applications in areas like tree planting, soil enrichment, and revegetation projects.

Recognizing that organic waste, including food scraps, constitutes a significant portion of general kerbside waste, the Council of Mayors SEQ waste management plan emphasizes the need for better waste management. While processing infrastructure might not be immediately ready to meet future demands, it's undergoing preparations to handle increased volumes.

This move towards more comprehensive organic waste collection has prompted various councils, such as the City of Moreton Bay, to start collecting green waste for the first time. Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner noted the ongoing efforts to gear up processing facilities to accommodate this demand, signaling positive growth for the industry.

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